
Inside the latest sport to dominate TikTok – hobby horsing

Hobby horsing performances

The biggest competition to date was held in Finland this week (Picture: AFP/GETTY)

Much like Marmite, hobby horsing divides the general public. It is something you either embrace with passion or simply cannot comprehend.

Popular in Finland and most recently spreading to other parts of the world, it is a sport which involves riding a wooden stick, with one end decorated to look like a pony’s head.

Riders compete by trotting, galloping and cantering around a ring, even leaping over jumps as high as three feet – all the while gripping the reins of the plush horse.

For better of for worse, this phenomenon has taken over TikTok. And while it has helped with growing its reach, participants complain of facing a torrent of abuse.

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Source:: Metro


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