
Games Inbox: Favourite game of 2024 so far, Resident Evil 9 predictions, and Sega Saturn mini-console

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth key art

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth – one of the best games of the year (Sega)

The Wednesday letters page hopes there isn’t a leak for the Nintendo Switch 2, as one reader offers nine tips for Shadow Of The Erdtree.

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Infinite is not a number
I enjoyed GC’s list of the top 20 games of the year so far and found myself agreeing with a lot of it, even if there was a lot I’ve not played yet. I was glad to see Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth featured highly but I think for me it’s my number one.

I’ve played Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Animal Well but the game I’ve enjoyed the most this year is still Infinite Wealth. Admittedly I’ve always been a fan of the series but while I thought the change in character and turn-based combat would ruin it, it’s only made it better.

For anyone that hasn’t played one before, you probably don’t realise just how funny the games are, especially this one. It’s filled with in-jokes about gaming, and just about everything else, and many of the mini-games are more fun than some full price games I’ve played.

So that’s my tip but I’m curious to know what everyone else thinks, especially if it’s something that wasn’t on GC’s list.
Tom Meadows

Plug the leaks
I am just fascinated to know what Nintendo has planned for the Switch 2 and its games. They seem pretty confident, if they’re busy stocking up on enough of them that there’ll be no point scalping, and you’d imagine that the mistakes of the Wii U will be something they’re not keen on repeating. But who knows.

I’m still counting on a reveal in mid-autumn, but I do wonder that if Nintendo has all these consoles they’re churning out, surely it’s inevitable that some photos will leak out? I’m sure Nintendo will sue the culprit to hell and back, but I doubt that’ll put off some guy that doesn’t think it through too carefully.

I can only imagine how tight security is at the factories right now, but I honestly hope it doesn’t leak out, because it’s going to be much more fun to see it revealed properly by Nintendo themselves.

Temporary boost
I see Palworld is already starting to slip back down the Steam charts, despite the release of its new DLC. I just don’t think there’s room for more than a handful of these live service games to be successful. Not only do people not have the time but they’re not going to put down something they already enjoy, to play something else that isn’t necessarily as good.

At this point a live service game has to be absolutely top notch to get any real transaction and while I haven’t played Palworld I know that doesn’t describe Helldivers 2, which by all accounts is the better game.

That explains why Sony is charging for these games though, even if it’s not full price, because at least that way they …read more

Source:: Metro


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