
Asking Eric: This photo of my first wife got me thinking

Dear Eric: Recently, I found an old forgotten photo of my first wife. We divorced 40 years ago after a short marriage and now I am happily married to a wonderful woman.

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I looked up her brother who told me that my ex has been married two more times and after a disastrous second marriage is now happily married with kids.

I told her brother I would love to catch up after such a long time. Her brother relayed that message, and I’ve heard nothing but crickets.

Should I keep trying or just give up?

– Reconnecting Ex

Dear Reconnecting: Sometimes no answer is an answer.

If it’s a photo that you’re sure she would want (we’re talking iconic), you can send it to her brother. She’s made it clear that she’s happy to let the past stay in the past.

I understand you’re feeling nostalgia or even curiosity about where the last four decades took her, but this photo doesn’t need to develop into a reunion.

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– Noncommittal Committed

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Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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