
Asking Eric: My sister-in-law left my husband off the family tree, and I know why

Dear Eric: My partner (husband) and I have been together for 18 years. My sister-in-law created a “family tree” and gave copies to all family members as a gift.

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On closer inspection, my “husband” was left off the family tree, indicating that I am single. My sister-in-law and her family do not believe in gay marriage.

What should I do about this slight?

– Missing Marriage

Dear Marriage: It’s a good thing your relationship’s existence isn’t dependent upon what your sister-in-law doesn’t believe in.

Long-term relationships aren’t Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, they’re mostly taking out the garbage and texting each other things to pick up from the grocery store. (They’re also emotional support, caretaking, and commitment, and all that good stuff.)

I’m sure you’ve already had this banging-your-head-against-the-wall conversation with your in-law, but you should voice your displeasure about the tree as a way of setting an expectation about the respect you want.

Once you’ve said your piece, throw the “gift” in the trash and order your own correct tree and give it to your family.

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Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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