Can you stop being negative about the coronation? It’s good for the economy

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What has readers talking today? (Picture: Getty)

Today Metro readers are discussing the coronation, more specifically its relevance.

In yesterday’s edition of MetroTalk, a reader noted that a significant number of those in attendance at the coronation ceremony will be tourists.

However, another reader argued that the revenue generated from tourism will not only cover the cost of the coronation but also exceed it.

While some readers may not be interested in the event, perhaps it’s worth considering the potential joy it brings to others – failing that, the revenue it generates for our economy?

Regardless, some readers suggest that the new monarch needs to make some changes in order to transform public perceptions.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

The coronation pays for itself

Royal related tourism really does help the economy (Picture: Getty)

■ Kevin in Watford (MetroTalk, Wed) joins in with the tedious whingeing about the coronation, complaining about the cost and suggesting that many of the people watching the procession will be tourists.

The pictures in yesterday’s Metro of the first Brits in the queue suggest this is unlikely, but perhaps Kevin is not aware that tourism contributes more than £200billion a year to our economy.

That’s nearly £550million per day, or about six times the reputed cost of the coronation. Tourism also supports about three million jobs in the UK.

So, Kevin, if you’re in town on Saturday and a tourist asks you the way to Buckingham Palace, please help them out!
Angus, Hammersmith

Coronation of King Charles III latest

The historic Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will take place in Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6, 2023.

First glimpses of King’s coronation seen in early morning rehearsals

What travel disruption will there be in London over the May coronation bank holiday weekend?

More than 3,000 coronation street parties to take place this weekend

For all the latest royal updates, visit’s dedicated coronation page.

■ To mark this big dressing-up party, which is costing us millions, my son’s school will be holding a special collection for the local food bank. Nothing better sums up Tory Britain in 2023. Let them eat irony!
Rob, Tamworth

‘The coronation is about coming together.’

■ My partner, ex-seaman Glenn, has had dementia for five years and finds even the most basic tasks difficult. However, the national anthem gets him off the chair every time. It’s so touching.
Myles Jenkins, London

■ Regarding Matthew J Young (MetroTalk, Wed) and his tremendous hat-trick of standing in Parliament Square for the late queen’s coronation in 1953, being in the same place for her funeral last September, and going back there for the King’s coronation on Saturday.

My late godfather and my godmother were a young married couple in 1953 and travelled to London from Bradford to stand outside what was …read more

Source:: Metro


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