
The ideal hangover breakfast to help you feel human again, according to a nutritionist

Happy man with arm around girlfriend near friend

Who doesn’t love an al fresco drink in the summer? (Picture: Getty Images)

This summer is going to have it all: Love Island, the Euros, Glastonbury and a Genny Lex.

It’s a heady mix of cultural events that, knowing us Brits, will surely be accompanied by booze.

And no, the British weather won’t dampen our spirits.

It’s no secret that we love a good bev in the summer time (or any other time, for that matter). And, whether you’re waking up, boiling alive in a tent at a festival, or in your own bed, we all have our own hangover remedies – each with varying results.

But if you’re looking for a breakfast cure that’s backed by science, we’ve got you covered.

Nutritional therapist Cara Shaw explains that your recovery breakie should do two key things: firstly, you need to get your blood sugar back at a normal level, and secondly, you want to support your poor liver, which is doing the bulk of the work in breaking down that alcohol.

‘If you’ve been boozing all day long, particularly on lots of beer or high sugar cocktails or sugary mixers, it’s likely that your blood sugar will be going haywire into the early hours,’ says Cara.

It was all fun and games yesterday (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

‘In order to support your blood sugar first thing, eat breakfast within 90 minutes of waking, but be sure to opt for a high protein option.

‘When it comes to the liver, the alcohol will be putting a lot of pressure on the liver so detoxification will need additional support. You can get this from adequate protein but also B vitamins and antioxidants.’

So, what should you be cooking up in the kitchen? Well, put the bacon sandwich aside, the best breakfast is packed full of veggies.

Cara says the perfect hangover breakfast is:

3 eggs cooked any way you like

½ cup of sautéed mushrooms in olive oil

½ avocado

A sprinkle of feta

A handful of cooked tomatoes

Drizzle of olive oil

And here’s what each component can offer you:

Eggs are a good source of protein and rich source of choline which supports liver detoxification

Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins which support the liver.

Avocado is a healthy fat that’s rich in nutrients like potassium and vitamin E, along with fibre to help eliminate toxins.

Feta provides extra protein and a source of B12 to give you energy after a rough night.

Cooked tomatoes provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties to help negate the effects of alcohol.

Olive oil provide polyphenols and lots of anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce the oxidative stress that excessive alcohol can cause.

Cara also recommends a cup of Matcha to wash your breakie down. ‘Matcha is much lower in caffeine than coffee and is absolutely packed with antioxidants to give the body a boost,’ she says.

‘I love Dirtea Matcha. My top tip is to have your caffeinated drink after a meal to ensure it doesn’t spike your cortisol levels, even more important when hungover.’

Do you have …read more

Source:: Metro


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