
Police across US given new UFO handbook as they ‘pose significant safety risks’

Invasion of alien spaceships at sunset, illustration.

UFOs are now referred to as UAPs – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (Picture: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra)

Police across America have published the first guide on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena – the new name for UFOs -which details encounters between suspected encounters, and how these incidents should be reported.

The report, which is 11 pages long, warns officers of the ‘significant safety risks to law enforcement air support units’ the unidentified flying objects pose, and urge them to be vigilant when travelling in helicopters.

Officers’ stories of UFO confrontations are also included, with one in 2023 where a law employee saw a ‘trangle craft with green lights gliding through the sky’ before a local resident said something ‘ran’ nearby, the Mail Online reports.

The document has been created by police executive as ‘it’s in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reporting on UAP due to the unknown threat they may pose.’

The 11-page document was created by an association of police executives (Picture: Major Cities Chiefs Association)

The organisation, which goes by the name ‘Major Cities Chiefs Association’ or MCCA for short, includes 80 executives from major US cities that work together through community outreach, research and policy development, and more recently, UFO investigations.

Last month, Indian aerospace engineer S. Somanath said there are ‘definitely aliens out there in the universe.’

When asked if life exists in the cosmos, Somanath, who has led the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) since 2022 said: ‘Absolutely, without a doubt. My conscience tells me yes, although I have no proof. As the chairman of ISRO, I am telling you this.’

And Somanath isn’t the only one who believes we are not alone in the universe.

An officer in Blairsville, Georgia, claims to have seen ‘green lights’ in the sky when patrolling in November 2023.

‘I am a police officer and deputy sheriff. While on duty after dark, near the top of my windshield (frame of view) I witnessed movement in the sky (southbound direction of view),’ the officer said in their report.

‘Upon concentrating my focus, viewing through the low light, I was able to make out a triangle craft, with 3 dim green lights per side (just bright enough to assess size, shape, and movement).’

He then lost sight of the craft as it went behind the trees, and because he was inside his vehicle he couldn’t hear anything.

A Las Vegas police officer’s bodycam captures ‘UFO in the night sky’ after residents report seeing ‘something 100% not human’ (Picture: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

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‘I am privy to what helicopters and airplanes look like in the sky, frequently working alongside medical flight crews in the area, and where nearby airports are, making me somewhat familiar with common areas of the sky in which low air travel …read more

Source:: Metro


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