
Metro is for everyone! Plus moaning fans and
no stars for Beckham

David Beckham

The Hollywood Walk of Fame is usually for people in the movie business (Picture: Megan Briggs/Getty Images)

Can you ever take too many copies of Metro? We don’t think so. However, in today’s MetroTalk, a commenter, who works in a ticket office has noticed arguments ensue over people taking too many.

Meanwhile, he’s been stubbed for a knighthood in the past, but he’s destined for a star on the walk of fame, readers react to David Beckham joining Hollywood’s legends and they’re not best pleased.

And, do footballers have an obligation to play an entertaining game or only to win? And, one commenter wishes Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer would just say it straight.

Share your thoughts on these topics and more in the comments.

Metro is for everyone!

I work in a train station and we have a Metro newspaper stand outside the booking office.

Several passengers take between five and 20 newspapers for local businesses and nursing homes.

Personally, I have no issues with this but some staff and passengers feel it’s unfair and claim they’re for passengers only… some staff even argue with people over it!

Are they for passengers only or just whoever wants one? The latter, I assume.

I’m hoping some of my colleagues (and disgruntled members of the public) see this and stop taking it personally when people are doing good deeds and handing them to the elderly in care homes… or just giving people a break from the mental stresses of life by doing the sudoku or crossword while enjoying a coffee. Ticket Man, via text


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But they’re still top of group C?

It’s not about how you win as long as you’re winning (Picture: Stu Forster/Getty Images)

I’m fed up with people moaning about England’s performance in the Euros. They ended up top of their group, what’s wrong with that? Cup football is about not losing and that’s what they’ve done – not lost.

I can hear the pundits now: ‘England played their best game, but they lost.’ At least leave the moaning until there is something to moan about. Martin, London

I wonder if we could send Pep Guardiola over to Germany and disguise him as Gareth Southgate. Just take a few inches off Pep and stick a waistcoat on him and you’d never know. Mark, Chertsey

England fans may moan but at least they were protected from playing any of the big teams in the group stage, unlike Scotland who …read more

Source:: Metro


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