
Libra season helps you rebalance your key relationship — your sign’s tarot horoscope

Libra season helps you rebalance your key relationship — your sign's tarot horoscope

Libra is represented by the scales (Picture: Getty/

Libra season begins September 22 and, with it, we all get a dose of Libra’s ability to be the ultimate diplomat and objective assessor of their realm.

Librans have the smarts to see the truth and the tact to say the right things to correct their course, right a wrong, or simply manage the dynamics in play. Libra life is serene, harmonious, calm and composed, because that’s how they play it.

Be like Libra! Use this astrological energy to zoom in on a relationship or situation that feels chaotic, imbalanced, disorganised or stormy… and focus your efforts on rebalancing the dynamics back to an even keel that you’re comfortable with.

Living a harmonious life requires work, and this is the season for it. Let the tarot guide you.


March 21 to April 20

You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Aries for Libra season: Three of Cups

Meaning: Kill them with kindness! Sometimes, your Mars ruler makes you anger too quickly, throw fuel on the fire just for devilry… when, really, you could’ve let things simmer down or played it nicely and got a better outcome.

The Three of Cups wants you to pour sugar (not boiling sugar) over flaring situations, dose the players with your warmth and loving nature, be super kind and generous, give out second chances. Be the bringer of peace, not war.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

Move forward with this (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Taurus for Libra season: Ace of Cups

Meaning: You need to turn a new leaf, start afresh, draw a line in the sand. This relates to a deep friendship or romantic relationship that has been fraught or full of friction recently. Battling with each other just adds more trauma and upset and things to dwell on and not forgive.

Agree to disagree on what can’t be agreed upon, compromise on the rest, and then turn the page. Life’s too short to carry on arguing about stuff you can let go. Resolve to look ahead, together, and renew what attracted you together in the first place.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Spill it, Gemini (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Gemini for Libra season: Ace of Swords

Meaning: Despite your great communication skills and never-ending chatter, you actually keep a lot private and unspoken. You hide your true feelings and bite your tongue because you know how hard words can land, even if true.

Well, the time for suppression is over, because you have to get things off your chest and say what you think. Let them hear it, let them absorb it and deal with it, and then respond to it. Seek to understand, seek to come to a new shared understanding. But stop pretending all is well. Say what you think, Gemini.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 …read more

Source:: Metro


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