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I asked my partner to choose the porn I watched for a week

I asked my lover to send me something to watch every day (Picture: Rachel Adams 2023)

‘I don’t want you to watch,’ I told my partner, who was eagerly looking at me. 

Lying in my bathtub, I tried not to drop my phone in the water as I moved my eyes away from him and back on to two women rolling around on a mattress on my screen.

Their naked bodies were covered in so much massage oil that it resembled dripping goo.

I’ve always enjoyed porn, but in the past few months, I’ve become bored by the repetitive scenarios and genres I usually end up watching.

So, I came up with an idea – in an effort to spice things up and reignite my love for a dirty film, I asked my lover to send me something to watch every day for a week.

As I looked at my screen, I wondered if I’d made a horrible mistake. 

My partner sat on a stool in the bathroom, with an apologetic look on his face. 

Having recently told him that my sexuality is fluid, I wasn’t surprised when he dug out a ‘girl-on-girl’ clip as my first watch.

But the sounds and actions were clearly exaggerated and not something I imagine any woman – gay, straight or otherwise – would find attractive. The oil sludge was extremely off-putting, too.

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But I didn’t expect what happened next.

He then threw a curveball (Picture: Rachel Adams 2023)

As the film came to an end, the video threw up a few ‘suggested’ options, one of which looked appealing. I clicked on it, and in one second, this unexpected clip brought my libido back to life.

It was a gentler and more authentic lesbian scenario.

I was eager to start pleasuring myself but with my fully dressed lover in the same room, I suddenly felt embarrassed – which is why I asked him to exit.

He then threw a curveball.

‘Okay, I’ll just have a wank in the living room while you have one in here,’ he said.

The experience was thrilling. Knowing that we were both seeing to ourselves somewhere in the same house made my toes curl.

A few minutes later, we both climaxed – separately.

This was the first delicious surprise from a week of watching porn but there were plenty of other great experiences awaiting me.

A few days later, he sent me a clip while we were in bed together.

He’d chosen this one more carefully and the excitement was palpable, as he urged me to give it a watch, while lovingly nibbling my ear.

I was feeling very sleepy but in the name of research, I grabbed his computer from the nightstand and pressed play.

This was the first delicious surprise from …read more

Source:: Metro


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