
How not to destroy your relationships this General Election

A man and a teenager shouting at each other in front of a yellow graphic background

I nearly fell off my chair (Picture: Getty Images)

Sitting down for fajitas one night, I expected the dinner conversation would cover the usual subjects…

I was ready to moan about Kent’s terrible cricket season. A new shop had opened on the High Street. Presumably there would also be something incomprehensive that had happened on TikTok.

Then, my 16-year-old stepson surprised me.

‘I was looking at the election today’, he said. ‘I saw this really good video.’

I nearly fell off my chair.

You see, my stepson is your typical teen. He loves a bit of social media and is currently focussed, rightly so, on getting through his GCSEs. 

The 2024 General Election – Metro style

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Politics is definitely not the most important thing in his life right now.

Just to hear him chatting about the upcoming general election in any way – regardless of the fact that he can’t vote this time around – was ace. Perhaps this was the start of a beautiful new chapter of my life!

However, there’s just one problem – the star of the video was not a candidate whose thoughts, policies or ethos match mine.

As an undiagnosed, bipolar teenager, I was very, very cross (Picture: Lucy Lawson)

Plus, it’s not like he’s been engaged by a policy or a vision for the future. Nor has he decided that this is the best person to steer our country into a better place because of a winning manifesto. 

No. He’s drawn to this candidate because of their antics on TikTok. 

Now what do I do?

I’m 43. How am I supposed to convince my teen that this candidate isn’t cool? That they don’t have, erm, ‘rizz’ – when I’m clearly the last person to know about those things? 

Anyway, who, at 16, takes advice on vibes from their elders? I know I certainly didn’t.

As an undiagnosed, bipolar teenager, I was very, very cross, and constantly in search of a cause.

Eventually, I chose animal rights. I went vegan in 1998 and was angry all the time – especially with people who wore leather, used products tested on animals and ate meat.

There wasn’t much discussion to be had with me. To me, there was right and wrong – and most people were wrong. 

Tatton likes to think he’s made conversations better across the country, but knows we’re as divided …read more

Source:: Metro


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