
Groinal arousal in OCD and why the body’s responses don’t always match the brain

Young Man With a Partially Obscured Face

Intrusive thoughts can cause distress and confusion (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

From ‘morning wood’ to ‘flutters’ down below, many of us have experienced unexpected arousal at some point.

A surprise erection or random tingle when you’re not ‘in the mood’ is typically laughed off as an odd anatomical quirk.

Yet for some people – specifically those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – these responses can be extremely distressing.

Groinal responses are the physiological changes in your genitals when you’re turned on; part of ‘normal’ sexual functioning and as a result of the desire you feel.

In the context of OCD, however, desire doesn’t necessarily factor in.

Psychosexual and Relationship Psychotherapist Silva Neves tells ‘A groinal response (in relation to OCD) is an unwelcome physiological change in the genital area seemingly coming without sexual desire or appearing out of nowhere.

‘This makes people feel distressed because they are often wondering what it means for their sex life.’ 

One of the main symptoms of OCD is intrusive thoughts, which are uncontrollable and manifest differently depending on the person: they may believe they’ve harmed people (despite no evidence of having done so) or see violent images in their mind that lead them to believe they’re capable of such things.

Obsessions commonly focus on societal fears and taboos, including violence and sexual abuse, causing sufferers anxiety and upset. Someone going through this may feel these responses reflect who they are, then avoid talking about problems in case they’re judged.

These thoughts can be so persistent that someone believes they represent who they are (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

‘We do not know what causes them,’ explains Silva.

‘One theory is that it is linked to OCD in a way that people will be hypervigilant of their groin area (due to anxiety or shame) and they might focus on it, which in turns can make any sensations in that area feel more intense.’

He continues: ‘It can be a vicious circle: worrying about genitals can trigger some physiological sensations, which in turn can be the hypervigilance worse, and then make the feelings in that area more intense.’

If you experience intrusive thoughts of a distressing nature regularly, you may become convinced they’re your own thoughts and that they represent who you are.

The Mind website states it’s important to remember: ‘Obsessions are not a reflection of your personality. People with OCD are very unlikely to act on their thoughts.’

‘In fact, many of us can be turned on by sexual fantasies that we never want to act out in real life,’ adds Silva. ‘Sometimes, we can have a groinal arousal that has no meaning about our turn-ons.’

To differentiate between the two, he highlights the difference between the brain and the body. What are the ‘images, stories, fantasies, sexual memories’ that turn you on? Even if your genitals suggest otherwise, that’s what sets real desire and groinal arousal apart.

He says: ‘Sexual desire is often accompanied by increased heart rate and it is generally a nice feeling that people enjoy. Groinal arousal usually comes with anxiety, upset and hypervigilance.’

Understanding …read more

Source:: Metro


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