
Games Inbox: The PlayStation 1 is 30 years old today

PlayStation 1 console

30 years old today (Sony)

The Tuesday letters page thinks the GTA 6 Trailer 2 date was obvious all along, as one reader is upset the Lego James Bond game got cancelled.

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Three decades
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like the PlayStation being 30 years old this week is actually less than I’d have thought. I guess games are only about 50 years old, so it is a lot, but I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t PlayStation and the way the industry is organised, and has been for years, it feels like PlayStation is such an integral part of it.

It’s hard to pretend that Sony is at their best at the moment, which makes the anniversary kind of awkward, but there’s no doubting the significance of that original console and Sony’s contribution to gaming as a whole.

Hopefully the last two years will be seen as a minor blip in the future and we’ll start to see Sony get back to their old self next year. I don’t want to see the PlayStation 6 yet, but I’d be lying if I pretended I wouldn’t get it anyway. For me PlayStation is video games just as much as Nintendo is, and they’ll always have my attention, if not my loyalty.

Many happy returns
Happy birthday PlayStation! I had the original console as an early birthday present (I can’t remember exactly when, but it had been out for a few years by that point) and I’ve loved gaming ever since. It didn’t make me a super fanboy – I’ve also owned Xbox and Nintendo consoles – but for me PlayStation is the face of gaming and everything else is basically a side order on top.

I really couldn’t begin to imagine where they’d be in another 30 years, or even just five at this point. Things are changing quickly in the games industry and I have a feeling Sony will be facing some tough times soon but it’s really hard to imagine them not always being on top or at least close to it.

I know they can be arrogant and very distant seeming, particularly at the moment, but I think we could do a lot worse than PlayStation being what everyone thinks of first when the word video game is mentioned. I think they’ve been good ambassadors and they’d have to do a lot worse than have a couple of quiet years to lose my loyalty.

Obvious answer
So, in the end the truth about the second trailer for GTA 6 is going to be the most obvious guess you could possibly get: exactly the same as what happened last year. I know obviously people were hoping for it earlier, and a full year is a weirdly long gap, but once we started to get into the autumn I think it became pretty obvious what Rockstar are doing.

I say that and now I’ll look an idiot because …read more

Source:: Metro


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