
Games Inbox: The next gen was a bad idea, the best Assassin’s Creed game, and Dead Rising remaster

PlayStation 4

Would you be happy to still be playing PlayStation 4 for another five years? (Sony)

The Monday letters page is not surprised smartphone owners don’t want to pay full-price for games, as one reader tries to imagine an Elden Ring movie.

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Force of habit
I found myself agreeing with a lot of what was said in the Reader’s Feature about Sony sticking with the PlayStation 4 instead of making the PlayStation 5. Microsoft had an excuse for making the Xbox Series X/S, because the Xbox One had done so bad, but looked at objectively I’m not sure there’s a good reason for Sony doing the PlayStation 5. It just seemed to happen because that’s what they usually do at that point in their previous console’s life.

Nobody seems to have explored trying to have longer generations, except, as usual, Nintendo. What a PS4 Pro Ultra have been a better idea than a PlayStation 5? I don’t know and Sony will never know either unless they actually give it a try. I guess they’re just being risk adverse but as usual that means you’re potentially ignoring the potential to do things better.

I think we could certainly have benefitted from keeping graphics where they were for a generation or two, until there was a cost effective way to take advantage of them. That opportunities has obviously been missed now but I suspect that there are more than a few people at PlayStation now, who are thinking the next gen was a bad idea.

Unknown competitors
I agree that another Dead Rising remaster is the last thing I want Capcom to be wasting their time on. But if it is just a remaster than hopefully it’s a fairly small project in terms of using up their resources.

I’m actually reasonably hopeful that a new Marvel Vs. Capcom is coming, as even with Sony owning the X-Men licence I feel they would be quite happy to share a little of the profit if it means putting out a style of game that they obvious wouldn’t be able to do themselves.

What I love about the games is the more obscure characters that Capcom throws in for no reason. Like, what was Shuma-Gorath doing in Marvel Super Heroes?! That’s why I really love Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, because I have no idea what even half the characters are, but I can just feel the love that’s been put into turning them into fighting game characters.

So yeah, it’d be fun to see Squirrel Girl or whoever from Marvel but I’m more interested in the Capcom side of things, to see who they’ll give the spotlight to unexpectedly.

Rise further
It is a shame that Dead Rising is only a remaster. I’d love a remake with more of the open world element of 3 and 4 but without the relentless Christmas-ness of 4. Also, lose the super-infected; they annoy the trap out of me.

Perhaps if the remaster does well, Capcom could make a new entry …read more

Source:: Metro


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