
Games Inbox: The best video game of 2024, Beyond Good & Evil popularity, and Shadow Of The Erdtree Day

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth key art

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – game of the first half of the year? (Square Enix)

The Friday letters page is glad that Microsoft is copying Sony’s PS4 formula, as another reader looks forward to Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom.

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Half-year report
So, as we’re at around the halfway point of the year, what would GC say is the best game of the year? Or the one to beat? Do you expect anything on the horizon to sweep up in the second half of the year? Is there any chance that you’ll do a top 10 or five at the end of the month?

Alas, I haven’t had a chance to get around to anything released this year yet…

GC: We might do something on July 1. At the moment though we’d say our top contenders are Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Animal Well, and Balatro.

There are a lot of unknown quantities in the second half of the year but we’re particuarly interested in Kunitsu-Gami: Path Of The Goddess, Thank Goodness You’re Here!, Star Wars Outlaws, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, Astro Bot, Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom, Life Is Strange: Double Exposure, Mario & Luigi: Brothership, and Slitterhead – amongst several others. It could potentially be a very good year, in terms of new releases.

PlayStation in disguise
It is indeed very interesting to see how different the approaches are for Xbox and PlayStation at the moment, with their approaches to Gamescom and showcases in general varying so much from each other.

I really couldn’t explain Sony’s logic, other than that they don’t want to spend money, but I think it’s fairly obvious that Microsoft’s is to copy everything PlayStation 4 was doing at its peak. That seems like it would put them behind the times but so far it’s working. I certainly enjoyed their showcase a lot more than I did Sony’s and their line-up of first party games is leagues ahead.

You might say that’s easy when you spend $70 billion on buying up companies, and I get it, but at the end of the day it’s the type of games they’re making that’s important and, so far at least, they haven’t forced any of those developers to start making live service games.

I have always preferred PlayStation to Xbox and at the moment everything Microsoft is doing feels far more like the classic PlayStation approach than whatever it is Sony’s playing at.

Erdtree o’clock
It should be Friday by the time you read this and that means only one thing: Shadow Of The Erdtree Day! Everything seems to be setting me up for another unforgettable experience and I can’t wait for my level 200+ character to be made to look like a chump within just a few minutes.

I love FromSoftware’s stuff and for me Elden Ring is easily the best game of the generation so far. I’ve stayed away from spoilers and purposefully not watched the launch trailer, so I’m looking forward to being surprised, amazed, and thoroughly frustrated. Prepare to die, everyone!

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Source:: Metro


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