
Games Inbox: Current gen Xbox portable, Elden Ring TV show problems, and Soul Reaver 2 remake

Steam Deck with Xbox logo

Does this seem like a good idea to you? (Valve/Metro)

GameCentral’s daily letter page argues that the PlayStation 4 has never gone away, as one reader wonders if there’s going to be a new Superman game.

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Christmas present
I hadn’t occurred to me that the Xbox portable might be something that is coming out this gen, perhaps soon. I think it would be a good idea to have it come out this year, since clearly not many people are interested in the Xbox Series X/S. I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen though, as they announced the all-digital Xbox Series X already and that seems to be their new hardware for Christmas.

It’s definitely a good idea for next gen though, I imagine their only concern is that more macho Xbox owners aren’t going to want a little portable. But then there have always been rumours of a home version as well and that’s easy to imagine given how much Microsoft likes different models being out at the same time.

I definitely like the return of the blades though. I never understood why they got rid of those, as they were so distinctive. More importantly, the Xbox dashboard has been awful ever since.

Kindly Miquella
Sidestepping the argument over difficulty for a moment, I will say that Shadow Of Erdtree is one fine piece of DLC. It’s huge, with lots of new features, but it also does a great job of making you remember what it was like to play the original game for the first time – which you loose sight of after a few New Game+ runs.

Even some of the minor optional stuff is great. Fog Rift Catacombs is one of the best of those mini-dungeons in the whole game and there’s lots of optional bosses (no spoilers) that are just as good as the main ones.

Yes, it’s hard, and the story is very difficult to follow, but I’m not sure what else you would really expect. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys the main game.

Losing hope
I’m still surprised that after all these years we’ve never had a Soul Reaver remake or even a remaster. Maybe it was just me, but I thought the games were pretty massive back in the day. At least around my parts, it was discussed as the PlayStation equivalent of Zelda, especially the second. It wasn’t really very similar, but I think because they were both action adventure puzzlers that had a lot more gong on than other similar games.

I’m beginning to worry it’s simply getting too old now for them to bother with, but if they are planning anything it’s the 25th anniversary of the first game this year (on August 16, to be precise). If I was them, I’d skip straight ahead to remaking the sequel but I’ve got a nasty feeling they’re just never going to bother.

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For the love of the game
Love the preview …read more

Source:: Metro


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