
Games Inbox: Characters in a new Marvel Vs. Capcom, Metroid Prime 4 FPS, and XDefiant decline

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 key art

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 – who would you pick for the next one? (Capcom)

The Monday letters page struggle to understand the logic behind the PSVR2, as one reader doesn’t want to replay Gex and Bubsy Bobcat.

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Beyond infinity
We all know how Capcom loves a good crossover and now they have the Marvel licence back, can it really be that long before we get a new Marvel Vs. Capcom? Infinite didn’t go down well but it was low budget and held back because Marvel didn’t own the Fox film rights then. But now they do, so not only can it have X-Men in it but Marvel will probably be pushing for it.

So you can have Wolverine, Cyclops, Cable, Magneto, Colossus, Gambit, Iceman, Juggernaut, Psylocke, Rogue, Sabertooth, Sentinel, Storm, an all the others that have appeared in the original games.

But there’s also a lot of characters that have come and gone in popularity in the last 25 years, so I’d expect to see Deadpool, Phoenix, X-23 carry through from Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and then maybe Magik, Mystique, Armor, Bishop, Sync, and Kid Omega.

The Capcom side of things is more straightforward, but I hope they delve into older games as well as just new ones. I’m sure there’s some way they could work out characters from 1942, Commando, or Forgotten Worlds. I love it when Capcom get obscure and I’m hoping they can go all out with a new game, if it happens.

Limited interest
I was looking at the new games announced for Limited Run Games physical editions and some of the choices are so bizarre to me. Is there really enough people out there that like Gex and Bubsy to want to buy hyper-expensive port compilations? I though Bubsy Bobcat was a literally joke, as the very worst of the Sonic wannabe animal mascots?

I realise nostalgia is a thing, but this seems to be taking it to extremes. I remember playing some of these games back in the 90s and they were terrible then, so I’d hate to think how they play now.

I guess it’s not hurting anyone but I often wish people were as passionate about playing new and original games as they are whatever rubbish they happen to have bene bought as kids. Nostalgia is a drug and a lot of drugs are bad for you.

A is A
Here’s an interesting point of pedantry: is Metroid Prime a first person shooter? Obviously the 2D games are Metroidvanias, hence the name, but I don’t think anyone watching the trailer of 4 would assuming it was anything other than a shooter. Those that have played the other games know that’s not true, but it seems a bit lacking to just call it a Metroidvania.

I’m surprised genre labels have lasted this long to be honest, as they’re clearly no longer relevant in a lot of cases. You barely get them in movies either. Maybe specific things like comedy and horror but everything …read more

Source:: Metro


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