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Emmerdale’s Tom King story explodes as character is jailed in 18 pictures

Belle tells Rachel – her Mental Heath Care Coordinator – that she lied to Tom about the abortion, telling him instead that she had a miscarriage. Rachel starts to suspect Tom’s abuse (Picture: ITV)
Belle tells Rachel – her Mental Heath Care Coordinator – that she lied to Tom…

Tom uncovers the truth, realising that Belle visited an abortion clinic (Picture: ITV)
Tom uncovers the truth, realising that Belle visited an abortion clinic…

His rage takes over, with the abuser smashing up a barn (Picture: ITV)
His rage takes over, with the abuser smashing up a barn (Picture: ITV)

He proceeds to lash out at everything, using a metal crowbar to do so (Picture: ITV)
He proceeds to lash out at everything, using a metal crowbar to do so (Picture:…

But he ultimately electrocutes himself! (Picture: ITV)
But he ultimately electrocutes himself! (Picture: ITV)

As he lies unconscious, will Tom perish? Or will someone find him in time? (Picture: ITV)
As he lies unconscious, will Tom perish? Or will someone find him in time?…

Dawn returns home with baby Evan (Picture: ITV)
Dawn returns home with baby Evan (Picture: ITV)

Billy fears for Dawn, who voices her concerns about the potential spread of germs (Picture: ITV)
Billy fears for Dawn, who voices her concerns about the potential spread of…

Eric continues to use his knowledge of how Jai rid the village of Amit to his advantage (Picture: ITV)
Eric continues to use his knowledge of how Jai rid the village of Amit to his…

Laurel grows suspicious (Picture: ITV)
Laurel grows suspicious (Picture: ITV)

Matty calls Amy from prison (Picture: ITV)
Matty calls Amy from prison (Picture: ITV)

He returns to his cell to find that Les, the prison hard-man, is his new roommate (Picture: ITV)
He returns to his cell to find that Les, the prison hard-man, is his new…

Matty starts to worry for his safety (Picture: ITV)
Matty starts to worry for his safety (Picture: ITV)

Rose offers her support to Dawn (Picture: ITV)
Rose offers her support to Dawn (Picture: ITV)

The mother and daughter duo share a special moment (Picture: ITV)
The mother and daughter duo share a special moment (Picture: ITV)

Cain pays Matty a visit in prison (Picture: ITV)
Cain pays Matty a visit in prison (Picture: ITV)

He insists that Matty use violence where necessary (Picture: ITV)
He insists that Matty use violence where necessary (Picture: ITV)

Matty fears what he might have to resort to following Cain’s visit (Picture: ITV)
Matty fears what he might have to resort to following Cain’s visit…

Emmerdale gallery w/c June 22


Emmerdale gallery w/c June 22


Emmerdale delivers the shocks next week – in more ways than one! – with Tom King (James Chase) left fighting for his life after he’s electrocuted, as confirmed in my new spoiler pictures.

The ITV soap’s villainous abuser, who has tormented wife Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) for months, is left seething with rage when he makes a big discovery.

Belle, as viewers know, discovered last week that she was pregnant and, knowing that she couldn’t proceed with the pregnancy, she …read more

Source:: Metro


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