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EastEnders favourite rushed to hospital as Maya is exposed in 42 pictures

Priya wants a chat with Nish (Picture: BBC)
Priya wants a chat with Nish (Picture: BBC)

Avani watches from afar (Picture: BBC)
Avani watches from afar (Picture: BBC)

Priya is determined to do whatever she can to ensure her family are well looked after once Nish is dead (Picture: BBC)
Priya is determined to do whatever she can to ensure her family are well looked…

Nish, despite his initial reservations, agrees to Priya’s deal – but just what exactly is this deal? (Picture: BBC)
Nish, despite his initial reservations, agrees to Priya’s deal – but just…

Harvey goes to see Maya, despite promising Jean a date night (Picture: BBC)
Harvey goes to see Maya, despite promising Jean a date night (Picture: BBC)

Freddie spots Harvey and Maya together and believes he’s cheating on Jean (Picture: BBC)
Freddie spots Harvey and Maya together and believes he’s cheating on Jean…

He informs Jean about what he saw (Picture: BBC)
He informs Jean about what he saw (Picture: BBC)

Jean is taken aback by Freddie’s revelation (Picture: BBC)
Jean is taken aback by Freddie’s revelation (Picture: BBC)

She fears Harvey has been cheating on her (Picture: BBC)
She fears Harvey has been cheating on her (Picture: BBC)

At McKlunkeys, Maya confides in Harvey about what she’s going through (Picture: BBC)
At McKlunkeys, Maya confides in Harvey about what she’s going through…

Harvey is shocked to learn that she’s selling her home to pay off her debts (Picture: BBC)
Harvey is shocked to learn that she’s selling her home to pay off her…

Maya drops a letter, which includes a different address, leaving Harvey puzzled (Picture: BBC)
Maya drops a letter, which includes a different address, leaving Harvey puzzled…

Kat, meanwhile, confronts Harvey over Maya (Picture: BBC)
Kat, meanwhile, confronts Harvey over Maya (Picture: BBC)

Will he be forced to explain himself? Or will he be too focused on why Maya has lied to him? (Picture: BBC)
Will he be forced to explain himself? Or will he be too focused on why Maya has…

Nugget collapses in the playground (Picture: BBC)
Nugget collapses in the playground (Picture: BBC)

Ravi is devastated and checks to see if his son is still breathing (Picture: BBC)
Ravi is devastated and checks to see if his son is still breathing (Picture:…

Vinny phones for an ambulance (Picture: BBC)
Vinny phones for an ambulance (Picture: BBC)

The doctors quiz Ravi, who is forced to share Zack’s theory about Nugget using steroids (Picture: BBC)
The doctors quiz Ravi, who is forced to share Zack’s theory about Nugget…

Priya heads for the hospital as she and Ravi clash (Picture: BBC)
Priya heads for the hospital as she and Ravi clash (Picture: BBC)

But soon the ice thaws and Priya breaks down in Ravi’s arms, fearing the worst (Picture: BBC)
But soon the ice thaws and Priya breaks down in Ravi’s arms, fearing the…

Armed with advice from Teddy, Billy reaches out to son Will, hoping to make amends (Picture: BBC)
Armed with advice from Teddy, Billy reaches out to son Will, hoping to make…

Will listens to his dad as the two have an honest conversation (Picture: BBC)
Will listens to his dad as the two have an honest conversation (Picture: BBC)

The father and …read more

Source:: Metro


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