
Carla Denyer: ‘A friend of a friend inspired the dance in Chicken Run 2’

Election 60 seconds Carla Denyer

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer shares duties with her colleague Adrian Ramsay (Picture: Leon Neal/PA Wire)

Senior political reporter Craig Munro spoke to four top party leaders for Metro’s 60 Seconds interviews ahead of the General Election on July 4.

You can find our interviews with Keir Starmer of Labour, Rishi Sunak of the Conservatives and Ed Davey of the Liberal Democrats at these links. Nigel Farage of Reform UK declined to take part.

Here is our interview with Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer.

Let’s start off with one of the things that’s interesting about the Green Party in general, which is that you’ve got co-leaders – you and Adrian Ramsay. What’s the logic behind that approach?

In the Green Party, we want politics to be accessible and as inclusive as possible. And so allowing candidates for any role in the party to stand either on their own or as a job share means that the role is accessible to more people. In our case, Adrian has caring responsibilities, and so being able to share the role means that he’s able to do a good job while also doing a good job as a dad.

People can stand as solo candidates for the leadership in other roles if they want to but, in the last few elections, the membership have voted for co-leaders. It’s also good because it means that Adrian and I can each bring our different lived experiences and expertise to the role.

The 2024 General Election – Metro style

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How do you complement each other? What are you two best at and worst at?

Adrian has a background as the CEO of environmental charities, and so he has that experience of running an organisation and how that works, governance and so on. And because they work in renewable energy, he has a good understanding of renewable energy on the domestic end especially, so solar panels on roofs and things like that.

I also have a background in renewable energy, but the larger, more industrial end of the scale. I used to work on the development of onshore and offshore wind farms, and I’ve just stepped down from being a councillor in Bristol for the last nine years, so I’ve got experience from that as well.

We obviously also bring …read more

Source:: Metro


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