
Why water is the best drink during a heat wave


By Katia Hetter | CNN

More water, please.

Millions of Americans are experiencing a record-breaking heat wave that has continued for days on end.

We know that keeping hydrated is important to staying healthy in the summer heat, but is water still the best drink during a heat wave? Or should people turn to sports drinks instead? What about soda, coffee and beer — is it advisable to keep drinking these beverages during extremely hot weather?

To help guide us through drinks we should choose — and avoid — during hot weather events, I spoke with CNN wellness health expert Dr. Leana Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and clinical associate professor at the George Washington University. She previously served as Baltimore’s health commissioner.

CNN: How much water should people normally drink, and does that change during extreme hot weather?

Dr. Leana Wen: A quick rule of thumb that’s often cited is the “8 x 8 rule,” which is eight 8-ounce glasses of water, or 64 ounces, of water per day for adults. That’s half a gallon. This rule is not set in stone. There are many factors that influence how much water people need, including the type of food they eat, their body size and their physical activity.

Other factors include air temperature and humidity, and, specifically, how much time you spend outdoors during hot weather. People working in the heat or otherwise engaging in physical activity should drink an 8-ounce cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This would total about 24 to 32 ounces per hour. People should also keep well hydrated before and after their outdoor time in the heat.

CNN: Is it possible to drink too much water?

Wen: Yes. The CDC guidance is that people should not drink more than 48 ounces (about 1.5 quarts) of water or other fluids in an hour. A large amount of fluid all at once can dilute the concentration of salts in our blood and be unsafe.

CNN: When it’s really hot outside, is water still the best fluid, or should people turn to sports drinks?

Wen: Sports drinks are beverages with added electrolytes. Their main purpose is to replenish water and electrolytes that are lost with sweating. These drinks contain electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Some have added sugars like fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Most people do not need drinks other than water. In general, adults engaging in mild to moderate physical activity and kids playing on the playground or doing recreational after-school sports do not need electrolyte replacement. The foods that we eat contain the electrolytes we need.

People who could consider sports drinks are athletes who are engaging in vigorous exercise for at least an hour outdoors in hot weather. Again, though, not all these individuals will need electrolyte replacement beyond what they get from eating normally. Whether they do depends on factors such as how much they sweat, how hot and humid the environment is and how intensely they exercise.

CNN: What’s …read more

Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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