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Letters: Dishonoring flag | Bad times | Benefits of no show | Proudly polarized | Permitting reform | Politics and pregnancy

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Flag giveaway
dishonors Old Glory

It’s that time again. Recently in my Almaden neighborhood, two competing real estate firms have been placing small American flags (complete with business cards) in front of each house. I assume it is an effort to inspire patriotism, or just maybe it’s for advertising. (Could that be possible?)

These flags are stuck, not too securely, in the ground in front of each house, and then just left there. I was taught as a child that an American flag should never touch the ground. Some of these flags are on the ground a few minutes after they have been placed. Some homeowners never seem to put these flags back upright.

Wouldn’t it be better if these realtors put the flags in homeowners’ mailboxes? Then homeowners could decide if they wanted to properly display their flags. Then these flags would all be respected.

Monty Steadman
San Jose

Trump victory would
be start of bad times

Have you started to prepare yourself for a Donald Trump victory? Have you started building a physical or mental bunker?

If, with the passage of time, we naturally progress, another Trump term would be out of the question. But the truth is, we don’t really progress in a linear fashion. We just have ups and downs. And in November, the polls tell us we’re due for a really big down.

In my parents’ lives, they had their childhood robbed by the Depression, then World War II uprooted them and sent them overseas. Add to that the Holocaust and the McCarthy era. That was rough stuff. This November, we too are going to have it pretty rough. The polls forecast the unbelievable will befall the nation.

It helps me to know that my parents went through some unbelievable history themselves.

November will be here soon. Hold on to your hat.

Robert Wright
San Jose

Trump not showing
could be a good thing

There’s a finite chance that Donald Trump may not show up for the debate. My imagination is limited in coming up with all of the possible excuses.

Undoubtedly, Joe Biden has been preparing by sparring with one or more individuals who represent Trump, in most of his personas.

So, if Trump tries to cancel the debate or just doesn’t show up, the Biden team could prepare one of his sparring partners to be onstage, unofficially representing the truant.

After the appropriate disclaimers, CNN could then proceed with the planned debate topics as if nothing had happened. The debate could be very insightful and entertaining — and a great way for Biden to get some priceless zero-cost campaign advertising.

And, depending on who represents Trump and how the “single candidate” or “will he show up?” debate is promoted, CNN could actually have a higher viewership.

Barry Bronson

Over some principles,
polarization only option

Re: “Union can’t survive continued polarization” (Page A6, June 13).

About high school student Connor Bone who decried the “political polarization” rampaging in our country, I believe polarization is essential.

After all, someone has to stand up against people who …read more

Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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