
Dear Abby: This photo of me in the laundromat could screw up my life

DEAR ABBY: Last week, I was at the laundromat and not looking my best.

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An ex-coworker — who I haven’t seen in longer than I worked with them, and who never liked me — decided to sneak an unflattering photo of me. I’m guessing it was to show my old employer, who also never really liked me.

This has shattered my already fragile self-esteem. I’ve been depressed and stressed about this, and I don’t know how to let it go and move forward.

My friends and boyfriend say this person is jealous and I should forget it. I’ve been really low and struggling to do that.

I hadn’t run into either of these people in eight years in our neighborhood, but I worry they could spread this photo around and damage my professional reputation and business. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


DEAR CAUGHT: Listen to the good advice you received from your friends and boyfriend. You have blown this completely out of proportion.

People (regardless of their profession) are not required to be glamorous at the laundromat.

DEAR ABBY: My husband of almost 40 years is not well. He has been a good provider, but his life stories are heavily laced with lies.

That has been very difficult for me to live with.

I believe he will die before I do, and I’m uncomfortable about holding a service for him.

His obituary would be filled with half-truths and lies. Because of his work positions, it would be expected that we have a service. I wouldn’t know what to say without the probability of repeating his lies.

Have you any suggestions on how this could be handled?


DEAR WIFE: As a matter of fact, I do. When a husband dies, the person who is usually responsible for the creation of his obituary is his spouse. If you want it to be truthful, do not repeat his lies.

State his age and place of birth. Mention his parents and siblings. Say that you and his children (if there are any) are mourning the loss of a loving, caring husband and father. Omit anything …read more

Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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