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Ask Amy: I did what I thought was a kind thing. My girlfriend says I’m a chump.

Dear Readers: To mark my final week writing this column, I’ve fired up the wayback machine and am rerunning some memorable Q&As culled from the last 21 years of “Ask Amy.”

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Dear Amy: Yesterday, my girlfriend “Lori” and I went to lunch at a restaurant. Two guys were heading for the same restaurant and were slightly ahead of us, but when they got to the door, they held it open for us and allowed us to enter the restaurant first.

We smiled, I thanked them and as soon as I entered, I stood back to allow them to get in line ahead of us, because I figured that was their rightful place and they shouldn’t be penalized for having been courteous to us.

I could tell that they were on their lunch break from work, whereas we had plenty of time to enjoy our own lunch.

Lori got irritated with me and said I shouldn’t have let them “cut” in line ahead of us. I told her I didn’t think they should be penalized for holding the door for us.

Lori keeps laughing at what a “chump” I was. What do you think? When someone holds the door open for another person, does the door holder automatically give up his/her place in whatever line is inside?

– Confused

Dear Confused: Let’s diagram this situation.

On second thought, let’s not.

You are a nice person. Your girlfriend is a jerk.

You performed an act of kindness. She laughed at you for it.

My only concern is that if you continue to hang out with her, her harsh assessment of you might turn out to be correct. Don’t be a chump!

(June 2006)

Dear Amy: I’m a college student from the suburbs of San Francisco. I’ve been attending college in New York.

My best friend from school is coming to visit me this summer, and I couldn’t be more excited! But, excitement aside, I do have concerns.

In a time where people of color, especially men, are having the police called on them for everything from waiting for a friend in Starbucks to …read more

Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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