
Ask Amy: Bridezilla’s rant is a classic, complete with grunting uncle

Dear Readers: To mark my last week of publishing “Ask Amy,” I’ve fired up the Ask Amy Wayback machine, and will run some favorite previously published Q&As.

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Following is my very first column, published in July 2003.

Dear Amy: I have a major problem that has come up just before my Wedding in Chicago. Children. Don’t want them at the Wedding.

It was on our invitation: Adult Ceremony Adult Reception. We hired a nanny to take care of anyone who couldn’t find a sitter.

Everyone respected our wishes and made alternative plans for their kids, except for one person: my Mom’s brother from LA.

Has 7-year-old. Grunted about placing the child with Nanny service.

Got an email from cousin (child’s 21-year-old brother) saying they were upset that little kid was excluded. Mom feeling pressured to have child at Reception.

We – bride and groom, SAY NO!!!!! My fiance’s brother’s kids aren’t coming, along with dozens of little cousins. We can’t make an exception for one child!!! Plus, we don’t want kids there!

Are we wrong for how we feel about kids? What about my Mom? She fears all of this will cause a terrible rift between her and her brother.

I say HE is causing rift, not her. He is not respecting our WISHES. We won’t bend and allow him at the Reception.

If they show up with him, do we have a right to ask them to leave? We will be so angered!

Please, please, please, please help.

– Riana

Dear Riana: Use of Capital Letters and strange, telegram writing style first clue that Bride is almost off rocker.

I’m picturing it now: “With this ring, I thee … WHO LET THIS KID IN HERE!!”

You need to take a chill pill before Bridezilla strikes again.

You have made your wishes known. Your guests should respect them.

But if they don’t, please don’t compound their rudeness by stomping over small villages and flame-throwing tongues of fire.

I am urging you not to give this matter one additional moment of your attention, because if you’re not careful, this flap will completely take over the day.

You know, so much that happens on your wedding …read more

Source:: The Mercury News – Entertainment


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