
Colorado State House District 22 candidate Q&A

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Ken DeGraaf (i) Rep

Residence: Colorado Springs
Profession: pilot
Education: MS – Dynamics of Indeterminate Structures (Columbia U), BS – Aerospace Structures (USAFA)
Experience: 27+ years USAF, Mi-ANG, USAFRC (pilot: A-10, KC135, T38, T37, CT114, T53, MQ9; Environmental Manager; AP Calc Instructor, USAFA; HQ-USAFE; HQ-AFAFRICA)
Commercial aviation: 20+yrs
Campaign website

What are your top three priorities, if elected?
Present bills that improve the liberty and prosperity of Coloradans while opposing the expansion of government and opposing bills that undermine the rights of Coloradans.
Encourage vigilance and engagement by informing Coloradans about the infringements on their freedoms occurring continuously during the session and the off-season by rule-making agencies.
Counter the perverse sense by ideologue legislators that the purpose of Coloradans is to support and fund an unending parade of misery-inducing leftist ideologies and agendas.

Recent polling has shown trust in government hovering at historically low levels and stark partisan divides in views of election integrity. What will you do to bridge those gaps?
“Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.” Trust” is the antithesis of vigilance and the General Assembly has continually misled the people of Colorado.
“Legislation 101: what it says it is, it ain’t.”
The 600+ craftily worded bill titles typically do not match the legion of devilish details hidden inside but they pass into law with minimal scrutiny. “Tax relief” only means a reduction in an increase. “Traffic calming” means making a personal vehicle unaffordable making inefficient mass-transit the only option. “Reduce gun crime” means “eliminate right of self-defense.” “Gender affirming” means “genital mutilation.” “Climate goals” means the transfer of GDP to China while they waft their pollution back to us to prop up “green” investors fleecing Coloradans hundreds of millions annually

What specific actions would you support to improve affordability for Coloradans, whether aimed at housing costs, tax burdens or other impacts?
Reduce the 20+% burden of over-regulation, reduce taxes instead of just temporarily decreasing increases, stop eliminating supply via “price control,” stop corporate collusion and remove the artificial constraints on energy production propping up eco-raping “green” investors & impoverishing Coloradans.

CO2 contributes less than 10% of the atmospheric energy
There are over 3200 billion tons of CO2 in the air
Colorado’s 4 million voters contribute about 0.140billion tons of CO2 per year
MATH: (10%)(0.140/3200)/4million is less than 1 part in 1-trillion –the equivalent of 1 drop in 20 Olympic sized swimming pools. Colorado’s collective impact is less than 6-millionths, but costs Coloradans hundreds of millions of dollars every year in taxes, lost revenue and eco-raping “green” energy projects.

What should the legislature do when it comes to addressing greenhouse gas emissions and regulating oil and gas development?
Stop being climate-gullible and willfully ignorant. Legislators should actually learn the science instead of parroting media talking points to feel virtuous about imposing misery on and absconding prosperity from Coloradans. What “scientists say” in original documents has a “moderate” probability (50/50) at best, usually lower. I CORA’d the governor, the energy office and the legislators for their “cost effective” “scientifically based.” There are a Net …read more

Source:: The Denver Post – Politics


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