
I spent my holiday having casual sex every night, now I feel ashamed

I spent my holiday having casual sex every night, now I feel ashamed

She’s feeling ’empty and depressed’ (Picture: Emily Manley/

Some people say that to get over one person, you have to get under another.

This week’s Sex Column reader tried to follow this advice on a recent holiday, when her boyfriend broke up with her right before they were due to jet off.

However, a series of one-night stands failed to mend her broken heart, and she returned from the trip feeling even worse than she had before.

Read the advice below, but before you go, don’t forget to check out last week’s column, from a woman who’s blaming herself for her boyfriend’s dwindling sex drive.

The problem…

I’ve just returned from a week’s holiday alone, where I slept with a different guy most nights. I told myself I was being liberal and that it wasn’t a big deal, but for some reason I do feel a bit empty and depressed.

In July I split up from a long-term boyfriend; we hadn’t been getting on that well but had a summer holiday booked together, which I was really looking forward to. So even though the writing was on the wall, I was hoping we could limp on until after the trip.

Unfortunately, he didn’t care about it as much as I did, and dumped me anyway. Although I tried to get a friend to take his place, it didn’t work out and I decided to go alone.

I’ve never holidayed solo before but as I’m quite pretty and fun-loving, I thought it would be simple enough to meet other people to hang out with. It turned out not to be that easy in the space of a week, and virtually every night I found myself going out to bars unaccompanied. I never had a problem meeting guys and as I really enjoy sex, I didn’t make it difficult for them to get me into bed.

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I had some great experiences, and even though I was always a bit drunk by the end of the evening, I was sober enough to enjoy myself. I wasn’t looking for a serious relationship so told each of them that I was just out for a good time and they all seemed on board with that.

After a week it was time to come home, but instead of getting on the plane feeling refreshed and liberated, I felt sad and ashamed. I never expected to feel this way but I can’t seem to shake it off.

The advice…

Please don’t feel sad and ashamed – you did nothing that lots of people wouldn’t do in your situation, and had some great sexual experiences along the way. Casual sex can be fun and liberating, and was what you needed at …read more

Source:: Metro


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