Jennifer Lopez is taking to Instagram to cope with her divorce (Picture: Instagram)
It seems Jennifer Lopez has joined the ranks of those taking to Instagram to prove to their ex, the world, and even themselves that actually, they’re doing just fine, thank you very much.
After two years of marriage, Lopez and Ben Affleck are set to divorce – and J. Lo is handling the split in a startlingly relatable way.
As summer situation-ships seemingly shatter all around (or, in Lopez’s case, a marriage), a phenomenon often referred to online as ‘posting through it’ has returned with a vengeance and even J. Lo is not immune.
Anyone with a social media account has likely noticed the uptick in mirror selfies and inspirational quotes on their feeds as the recently single among us seek to control the narrative surrounding their end-of-summer breakups.
While you may not have known the phenomenon had a name, odds are you’ve ‘posted through it’ yourself.
All the term refers to is the tendency for those who have recently gotten out of a relationship to suddenly start posting online with gusto as they navigate their heartbreak.
The carousel also featured several inspirational quotes (Picture: Instagram)
Multiple photos of the singers appearing carefree were also in the post (Picture: Instagram)
Many fans were quick to notice that J. Lo appears to be ‘posting through it’ (Picture: Instagram)
The post included a cheeky mirror selfie (Picture: Instagram)
These bids for attention often manifest as an increase in ‘thirst traps’ (aka attractive pictures of the poster), quotes or song lyrics that subtly refer to the breakup, and content that seems to scream with tears in its eyes: ‘LOOK HOW WELL I’M DOING!’
J. Lo posting through her highly publicised divorce from Ben Affleck may be the most relatable thing the singer has done in recent years – even if it is embarrassing.
This week, the 55-year-old superstar took to Instagram to post a carousel of photos captioned: ‘Oh, it was a summer.’
The first picture shows the Jenny From the Block singer pouting in the mirror as she shows off her famous curves, with a Tumblr-worthy quote that reads, ‘Everything is unfolding in divine order’ following it up.
The entire carousel – which also features a photo of a t-shirt that reads ‘she’s in bloom and unbothered out of reach and at peace’ as well as an extremely cheeky mirror selfie of J. Lo in a white bathing suit – reads as a not-so-subtle statement on Lopez’s divorce.
Fans quickly took to social media to comment on the relatable post-breakup post, with @trigllav writing on X: ‘Every girl no matter status/money acts the same after a breakup.’
@emilygmonster posted: ‘There’s something affirming about how even celebrity and wealth can’t protect you from posting through it.’
@QteeFoxx agreed: ‘The thirst trap plus the motivational pinterest quotes combo, oh she’s really going through it huh ????????????’
@GraceKing1167 commented: ‘She should know that her posting this just proves how much she is hurting.’
There’s something affirming about how even celebrity and wealth can’t protect you from posting through it
— Emily Niksefat (@emilygmonster) September 1, 2024
@mjrsumption said: ‘Worried …read more
Source:: Metro