
Word Game: April 4, 2024

TODAY’S WORD — XYLOGRAPH (XYLOGRAPH: ZYE-luh-graf: An engraving on wood, especially for printing.) Average mark 25 words Time limit 40 minutes Can you find 32 or more words in XYLOGRAPH? The list will be published tomorrow. YESTERDAY’S WORD — SYNTHESIS sent shies shiest shin shine shiny shyest shyness sine sissy site snit stein sties synesis […]


Bridge: April 4, 2024

The player we know as “Secondhand Rose” was at my club today. When the lesson about “second hand low” on defense was taught, Rose must have been out with Jiggs the plumber. As West, Rose led the jack of clubs against 3NT. Dummy played low, and East encouraged with the ten. South won and led […]